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Old 07-16-2009, 11:21 PM   #16
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Saskatoon, SK
Posts: 65
GettaRobo is on a distinguished road

So I talked to the mechanic today. Timing belt is fine, cams are properly aligned. Honestly, we are completely out of ideas. Since combustion requires three things: air, spark, and fuel, it's either not getting one of these things or perhaps it's something else. I know it's getting air, I'm reasonably sure it's getting spark (new wires, plugs, distributor has been checked, as has the coil wire,) and there is plenty of fuel pressure. Is there any way it is remotely possible that the tranny is dying on me? I mean the oil doesn't smell burnt or look brown and there are no metal shavings in it... The only tranny error code I'm getting is the speed sensor 2 error. So unless someone else has a revolutionary idea or something, I think I'm SOL.
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