Originally Posted by brianpa25
How much hp can an automatic tranny hold before you should start looking into beefing up the tranny? And I guess the same goes for a stick? What kind of hp can a stick hold? And last bit, driving a manuel with a single turbo, pushing over 500, does that require a certain level of skill? To me it would seem thats not something you can just get up and go do. Correct me if I'm wrong.
The oem TT auto tranny can hold about 500rwhp, depending on how hard you drive it, and what kind&size of tires you run.
Yes, 500rwhp+ with a 6spd does require a certain level of skill. A forced-induction vehicle is variable-horsepower (depending on boost level). If boost hits while you're cornering, it's almost completely unmanageable. With lots of track time and lots of patience you can learn to keep it off the walls...