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Old 07-20-2009, 12:09 PM   #1
3" Exhaust
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Location: North Carolina
Posts: 63
cgreiner is on a distinguished road
Default Spark Plugs and Water

I must say - changing the plugs on a MKIII can be a bear. Afterwards, the car runs smooth, but it did leave me with a related question...

Just before the change, I was cleaning my engine due to a recent oil leak. I thoroughly sprayed it with Gunk Engine Degreaser Gel (worked great, but only if the engine is warm). One of the areas I cleaned was the general vacinity of the spark plugs, and after doing so, when I removed the boot on the plugs, the cavities were full of water!

Is there no drainage hole? As I sometimes have a stubborn engine just after a good rain, and have had similar issues with spark plugs on a motorcycle that would not drain, it got me thinking. What can be done to prevent this?
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