Originally Posted by abhicary
I don't think, they make them.
ive been trying to tell you all look on ebay thats where they go up at you have to catch them ebay ebay ebay ebay ebay or you can rewire them also is national they go everywhere keep looking they show up all the time you just have to get the words right try all kinds of phrases sleepy eyes lazy eyes controlled headlight all kinds they will cum up just be patient my link before was the wrong one srry i had the link to the guy who had them ll day but lost it so if i see it tho ill put it in here

ok so rewire is easy all you do is position your lights on "two ppl needed " then test the conector wire harness with a test light just to find you wich one moves the light up and down i think its brwn but im not sure so check it a few times isnt hard to figure out how basicly hook up a switch or switches to the wires and run them back to the harness or wire completely seperate up to u and dbasickly cut the up power wen they get to were you want they only go up you only need a one way swich cuz yeah just spin up and back down looks sick wen you just let them bouce up and down in diffrent motion while crusing into meets fucking clean