Given the relative rarity of the '92 Supra no way would I molest it by doing that engine swap, even to an engine which is arguably more reliable than the 7M.
If it was me, I'd do some serious research and question-asking to find someone or some shop in your general area who really knows what they're doing with the 7M or any engine with tolerances that tight. You don't say how many miles are on your engine, but for it to have blown the head gasket 2 or 3 times it likely wasn't maintained and/or rebuilt properly to begin with.
The cost to rebuild it is going to depend largely on what parts you want it rebuilt with as well as whatever the quality shop or individual you find charges you for the build. That all varies a lot, so I can't really give you a solid figure, but if you want it done right I'd say count on at least $2k + unexpected stuff.
But good luck with it in any case, and maybe someone from your region will chime in with a good rebuilder.