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Old 08-24-2009, 09:29 PM   #1
3" Exhaust
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Default Boost problem. '88 turbo

I just recently repaired a blown head gasket in my 1988 Supra Turbo, and everything went fine..until I noticed that it wouldn't rev I checked the catalytic converter and it was melted..water got into it and just screwed everything I gutted it. It's straight pipe now..and now my turbo wants to over boost and kick. It jumps past +8 and just cuts off, and then starts back at +4..and does it again..I can't get passed 100 due to the fact that I can't press the gas hard enough without the boost jumping up.

Is there a way I can tweek the turbo so that it doesnt do that? starts to overheat when it does this..
Proud owner of a 1988 Toyota Supra Turbo, 105k Miles, and great condition.

I might have to sell it to help pay for school so here's the link.
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