[quote=*D-Joker*;72946]ok bare with me ppl i think i have figured out the trick to it hahaha
i just hope this works...
ok so ive taken a pic of my intake manifold and the back of the head where the nok sensor bolts into the head and exhaust...
so if any1 can tell me if this is normal N/A intake and head or if its turboed head etc.
What you call the NOK port is an EGR port here. California Emissions code required smog devices so and EGR valve would have bolted to that port - looks like you did not need it - good thing too because the EGR gases plug up your intakes after awhile.
The oval plate after the throttle body is also part of the EGR emissions system. It appears to route exhaust from the head through the AIR CHAMBER to inject it after the throttle body.
Funny how these plates are located on the drivers side here