thanks guys for clearin that up 4 there you go...she is a standard N/A...
n blackdog...she isnt runnin lean, she is runnin really startin to think its a leaky injector, cause now she doesnt fire up straight away anymore, she takes a few turns to start up now, so sounds like a injector mite b stuck open n is floodin her... maybe...
but i dont wanna jump 2 any conclusions jus gonna take the car to my mates workshop sometime next week and ill check 2 c if i hav a bhg...then i will take my diagnosis from there...
and ok ready 4 it?...another problem im havin up 4 discussion hahaha....i tried fixin my speedo cable (n this is where it gets tricky 4 me), the long part that goes into the bak of the speedo works (my bro spun it while i watched the needle on the speedo jump so it works), so i replaced the cable inside of the short part that connects 2 the box...but its a no go, still dont work
i think i aligned it up properly in the tranny, is there a certain way 2 make sure???
...or is there any other reason y it may not b workin???