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Old 09-18-2009, 04:28 PM   #4
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 167
Krem is on a distinguished road

Thanks for the advice, I'll be checking the distributor when I get home. A very similar thought even crossed my mind last night when I was reminded of an ex that had a rotor that would always slip out inside the cap.. her car would sputter and stall out, but she'd never be able to start her back up... thus I dismissed it.. But you make much sense, if that cap is turned and that rotor isn't firing the cylinders correctly, I might be able to rough idle, but she wouldn't be street worthy... which seems to be the case. Thanks again, will post results later this evening.

Sux not having net all weekend... tried to tow her up to autozone and make use of their diagnostic systems... but once we got there, was told it's only done on cars from '96 to current. Joy... so one guy comes out to take a look, at this time she'll start up and idle about 200-300 rpm... FOT doesn't seem to make a difference, so the guy blames the TPS. After getting a new TPS for $105, install it, no fix. . Luckily they refunded the money for the new part. Next guy came out to take a look... still able to turn her over, but still very low idle and even harder vibration throughout the car now when she does idle. The guy claims he thinks I'm getting fuel and no spark... claiming the engine is running by compressions (like a diesel engine would)... this seems a bit strange to me, but wth, I know I don't know as much as I'd like to so I'm in no place to call him out on it. After he can't figure it out, two more guys come out (seperately, then later together). Both felt the fuel system is the cultprit explaining: "You have spark, cause she starts and runs, if you didn't have spark, you'd just be turning her over." I was explained about the pressure requirements behind opening the fuel injectors and how a clogged filter or bad pump could cause this issue... On a side note, the guys who blame my fuel system did test for spark from the sparkplug wire and confirmed there is spark. However, said plugs barely (if at all) seat on or around the top of the spark plug... is this normal? or should I look at getting some deeper sleeved wires?

Last edited by Krem; 09-21-2009 at 06:35 PM.
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