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Old 08-17-2005, 12:04 AM   #8
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 55
Supra91_ishot is on a distinguished road

For now I don't have anything except for the stanless steal exhaust I bought from my friend 3 months ago. But, the exhaust that I have is not a big one where it just had one whole at the end. The one I got is like a one twin head sticking out kind.

I'm still waiting to see if I'm going to get an intake with an air filter with it. I couldn't even take the stock intake out. Gosh, the supra's got a big engine but it is so crowded, it's hard to take things apart unless if you don't care if they break or not.

But yeah, the exhaust is the only thing I have. When I do get the intake and air filter, my car will sound more like a beast

Anyways, about the racing in traffic thing, I'm not planning to hurt or killed anyone, it just sometimes I cannot control my self sometimes you know? Well, from now on I won't ever raced again when there are traffics, I'll just HIGH BEAM the damn driver? Yeah that, I'll do. Ha Ha Ha. I did it once to this one dude who was coming out from an exit sign onto the highway when I was in Lacrosse, Wisconson. He didn't signal and there wasn't any lanes, but than he decided to hit the gas and pull in front of me and he was driving a (NO SUPRISE) stinkin American Muscle car. Almost an accident, I high beam his azz like for 2 minutes and than he ran a red light, I think, and after that I turned my high beam off. There was no car in front of me nor are they near by so yeah.

Man, wish people knew how to drive. If people respect me, I'll respect them but if they want to drive like a maniac towards me, they better be ready to get pissed off by me. But I'm smart though, I'll right back at them :lol:
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