Hey I'm new to the forum, just found it tonight. I just recently bought my first car this month, and the car happens to be an 88 supra no turbo though

. But its still an awesome car. It has a few problems but I got the car for 3000 in very nice condition, beautiful interior, new paint job, new engine. The guy basically hooked me up. One of the things he mentioned was how he adjusted the gear timing or something. He said he did this so people wouldn't beat on the car when they first got it (since he advised that its best to break new motor parts in for about 100 miles). So because of all this, I have a question. How in the world can I figure out what the timing is set to? What should it be set to if I want the car to have more pickup. (right now it has terrible acceleration). And how in the world do I change the timing?
By the way, I'm glad I found this forum, I've been reading some of the posts and its all very interesting. Soon I'll be posting some pictures of my supra, just needs a clear coat first. Or maybe I'll just post em before I get that. Ty for the help.