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Old 10-03-2009, 06:20 PM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Squamish BC
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SquamishSupra is on a distinguished road
Default PLEASE HELP ME!! Supra battery :(

Hey, So i recently bought a 1989 Toyota Supra(no turbo). And since I bought it, there has been some issues, I love the car, but I really need it to work properly.

My engine does not turn over everytime i try to start the car. When i turn the key, the engine makes a clicking sound, and does not start. The volt meter in the car still reads out around 12 V, and if i were to touch some jumper cables together it would spark, but the engine still does not start.

I have taken the car into a mechanic and he said that the battery just didnt have a full charge on it, He charged my battery for 12 hours, It worked fine for almost two days, but now, the same thing happens, the engine wont start...

Car has new starter, Also has a lot of extras in the car, (Stereo, speakers, neon lights..)

So, if you have any ideas on what the problem could be I would really appreciate it.
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