I'm not up for mentoring... I haven't the patience for it. I may be persuaded into coming over and having a look and helping you figure out where to start though. PM me your email address or phone number.
If you haven't already, order new valve cover gaskets. They're not that expensive and I'm positive that's where your oil is coming from (it's VERY common). Even if the gaskets are still soft they compress over the years and will fail to seal no matter how hard the covers are tightened (NEVER over tighten the valve cover bolts! The covers warp easily enough and then you're screwed.). The valve covers are supposed to be tightened at 22 INCH lbs... NOT ft.lbs. If you don't have a torque wrench capable of such fine measurement then use a screwdriver and only tighten them hand tight. Some people like to switch out the phillips head screws for bolts; that's fine, but you still need to make sure you're not over tightening them.