Found the leak... sort of... I'm not sure what it is cause the label is very worn on it... but the fluid is coming the big cyndrillical drum that is mounted to the firewall and connected to the brake fluid resevoir.. the leak is coming from the pipe's connection with said drum... so can only imagine that drum is full of fluid that has leaked out in there :'(
Looking at the TSRM, looks like it's my brake booster? now if I can just figure out what the internals look like and see what kind of nightmare I am faced with... I can either be saddened or relieved...
Edit #2:
After speaking with some more mechanically inclined individuals, my suspicions of the booster being flooded were completely debunked... as was my impression the issue came from the booster. Since I can stop the car with normal effort, rather than having to shift down thru gears and stand on the brake to stop, going to go with the master cylinder as the culprit.. now I just need to find a place to get one... not only does the Autozones here have none in stock, they don't even have a vendor to order them from :\.
Last edited by Krem; 10-21-2009 at 09:35 PM.