Originally Posted by cre
Sigh.... you didn't REALLY read my post then.
No I have checked that S&%T 3 times now, every thing lines up. The only issue I have is with this http://www.cygnusx1.net/Supra/Librar...aspx?S=IG&P=19
It says "align the grove of the distributor housing with the protrusion on the drive gear" there is no f%&kin "PROTRUSION" on the drive gear, only the grove on dis housing.
Ran into same problem with mine. The distributor for the 87 and I guess 88 7mge has a round circle on the shaft that you line up with the line. That trough me through a loop as well, the sucky part is that the circle is huge and you cant tell if its a tooth off or not as you have figured out now.