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Old 11-19-2009, 04:17 PM   #5
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Honduras
Posts: 6
ct-12b is on a distinguished road

Well, let's think about it...
1.- The ct-12B is smaller than the ct-26
2.- The ct-12b is utilized in a six cylinder, TRUE, BUT 3 cylinders make it spin, the other 3 make the other turbo spin; it'll go into a four cylinder, therefore an extra cylinder is involved.
3.- The ct-12b is actually a bit smaller than a gt-28. I have the comparisson specs but i suck at posting pics.

So My guess is... it'll actually be a good turbo for a 1.6 with 75.5mm bore and 90mm stroke and a 4.25:1 final gear ratio to reduce any potential lag.

Did I make sense??
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