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Old 11-21-2009, 10:05 PM   #1
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Avondale, AZ
Posts: 169
Conga1991 is on a distinguished road
Default Problem with the engine, no idea!!

I have a problem with my engine, it was driving fine after a few miles. i turned a corner started going then it acted like i slammed on the brakes for a second then drove fine, put it into nuetral then back into 3rd gear, then once i touched the accelerator pedal it started slowing down like i was pressing on the brake. i turned off the road and turned my car off, popped my hood and didnt see anything besides steam coming from the front which was probably the radiator. i turned it on and it made the worst noise i can imagine!! i didnt drive it, got a tow truck and dropped it at my place. Im new to cars and want to know what the problem could be, any ideas?? i posted a video.

heres the link:
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