Thread: wth happened?
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Old 12-07-2009, 07:56 PM   #1
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 167
Krem is on a distinguished road
Default wth happened?

I have two wtf's w/ my mk3...

Yesterday, I went to take the car to get lunch, first drive of the day, and like the rest of the cold days this season, the car didn't want to start right up... but unlike the other times (when it finally does start up and idle at 1k rpm) yesterday it seemed a little more stubborn and when she finally did turn over, the RPM's shot up to 3500-4k and I heard a loud whizz, like the sound you'd hear from a kazoo... both the sound and high rev were very momentarily, and for all I know the whizz could have been from the spike in RPMs... it's the spike in RPMs that has me thrown, I give a little gas when she's not starting, but don't flood the engine let alone give it that much throttle...

Today, omw to take it to get radiator fixed, my temp gauge needle FINALLY went up past half way (I didn't think it ever did or was capable of it) and after getting up to about 3/4's to hot, it finally dropped back down to half way... I dunno wth to think here, it dropped pretty quick, quicker than I'd imagine the cooling system to reduce temp if the thermostat opened..

could either of these issues be caused by pinholes in the top radiator tank (that's what's getting fixed as I type this)? or is this likely I'm gunna have a new problem as soon as I get her back?
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