I don't recommend trying to do any work on the turbo which involves removing the inducer or exducer unless you've got the equipment to ensure that everything is properly balanced afterward. It may seem as simple as marking the nut and axle and inducer, but at the speeds that assembly moves at the smallest shift could reduce its life immensely.
BOV arm? The BOV doesn't have an armature The waste gate actuator's arm or the waste gate's arm? You may lubricate the waste gate actuator where the armatur enters the dirphragm housing with a good moly based grease, the pivot where it meets the waste gate's armature will be fine with that same grease.... as for the pivot where the waste gate's armature comes through the housing I would leave alone. The most lubricants will not hold up to the temperature that it will be subjected to and may cause more harm than good. If you want to lubricate the waste gate itself, go to an aviation shop and ask the for a lubricant for that purpose; the manufacturers of those components are subject to MUCH higher standards and are thoroughly regulated.