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Old 12-19-2009, 11:35 PM   #14
steves 86 supra
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: port macquarie
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steves 86 supra is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by cre View Post
They aren't TTY... I do agree with replacing 20+ year old bolts for peace of mind though.

try finding a nut and a piece of steel tube to fit an old head bolt
put the nut in the vice, the tube on the bolt and install finger tight
now take a stretch gauge and measure the length of the bolt, write
this down, torque to a given setting and measure,
keep repeating this process and see if u get even the slightest
difference, ive done this little experiment and found none
i used to use ARP head studs on all modified 7M's but now i see them
as a waste of money on all but the most highly strung engines
about the last 20 7M's ive built have had std head bolts only 2 ive
replaced them & none have had head problems
one of my engines gets cained at 22 psi every day with nothing more
than metal head gasket stock {second hand} bolts & proper head & block preperation
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