Timing is critical
Again - this is fhere spark plug removal is helpful. With plugs removed yo can get a timming light on the #1 wire and crank engine to set distrub to get close enough to fire up.
With mine - I just set distrib half way and was close enoungh to get going.
It is very important to get distrub back in right so timming in not off - assuming timming belt was all lined up correct.
If you don't want to remove plugs - you can try cranking while rotating distrib slightly plus or minus. One way cranking will go easier - other way harder.
With plugs removed you can check compression to see is valve timming is OK and also check for wet cylinders for fuel injectors.
Any vacuum ports not connected will also hard start or not idle.
Even though its EFI, open the throttle a bit while starting to bypass the idle control if it not connected correctly.
If it backfires its getting fuel and spark - so timming is going to be important.
I always put a light on my crank before trying to start as a miss timed enginge can lead to bad things that undo all the hard work.