Oil in the plug galley WILL cause misfires. Codes 31 and 34 point to a bad AFM; 34 point to AFM or boost leak, but with the 31 a bad AFM is a bit more likely. You should get the mechanical timing issue and spark advance all in order ASAP as well as poor timing will make other misfire issues worse and hard as hell to properly diagnose. The order to approach is: Get the oil out of the galley! Test the AFM, swap in a good one for testing purposes if possible, reset mechanical timing one ALL error codes have been corrected, set ignition advance.
I've never heard of code 23 either.
EDIT: Google turns up reports that according to other TSRM for other vehicles 23 is pretty much the same as 24... IAT sensor problem. So, you may have a wiring issue to the AFM or the AFM was unplugged while the car was running at some time. a bad AFM is still possible, but a LITTLE less likely as the IAT shares very little of the rest of the internal circuit of the AFM.
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Last edited by cre; 01-02-2010 at 10:34 PM.