Originally Posted by Green7mgte
think of what is going to be needed in the rebuild and assign it a value based on how important it is to you. the higher the importance the higher the number.. Money, is this important? if so assign it a high number. time? how important is that.. assign it a number.. (1-20 works) manual labor.. things of this nature. now do it for the 1jz swap and see wich has the higher numarical value. go with the lower one.
Thanks good idea... my 7m will needs too much... im about 80% sure a new motor is the solution and ill look at your quickfix... after i look at my leak.. its so annoying... My old Turbo burnt up... I was running it at 12 psi... Could it burnt up of lack of oil or something?? I heard ppl running them at that and though wouldve been ok.. it was rebuilt had 5k on it...