Do keep in mind that most RTV is "tin cure"; This means the silicone actually requires water to cure. If you lay it on too think the deeper material may never cure. If you need to apply tin cure silicone in a very heavy layer you should place the desired amount of silicone (plus a little extra) into a disposable plastic cup and VERY quickly and thoroughly stir in some water (up to 25% as much as the silicone... I'd go about 10% if you're unsure how quickly it is going to set up. Then apply it quickly as well. If you like having a squeeze type applicator with a nozzle then just put the material in a zip lock freezer bag and cut a tiny bit off one of the corners... now apply as if it were frosting.
and the crowd goes: "Wow, how does he know all this stuff?", "He's incredible (and probably inedible)!", "Amazing!", a woman in the back screams "Have my children!!!!!"... so does a man... gulp.