Post more pics... they're aftermarket. I had Jeff look up the part numbers... no changes. Also, all Toyota part numbers are formatted XXXXX-XXXXX, I don't know how far back that convention goes, but it started well before the MKIII and it's still what they use today. If they say "Toyota" on them I don't know who made them. If they're retroreflective they're probably made by a guy who goes by Wolfie out of the UK. He makes some based on a mold of genuine Toyota lenses; They will have a Toyota part number on them from the casting (unless he removed it in which case it would be a big blank). Mind posting some closeups of yours? To me yours look just like the DEPO lenses I've got.
Wolfie's will have the following part numbers:
Seriously, if they were a stock unit people would be ordering for them instead of special ordering the half clear Euro style or paying even more for the lenses from Wolfie which requires replacing the clear lens of the stock housing with the new, clear lens.
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