No Boost above 3500 rpm
Hey guys. I bought a 95 auto TT about a month ago and I'm experiencing my first problem. All of sudden the other day the car stopped building boost right around the same time it usually starts to spool the second turbo. I've tested all the VSV's and actuators and everything has checked out fine. I tried switching it to TTC to see if both turbos were working and it actually ran the exact same. Meaning #1 turbo was still boosting at it's normal time. I experimented with TTC a couple weeks ago but decided to swap it back. I did have an MBC installed and I swapped it back to factory as well and I'm pretty much stumped right now. This is my first turbo car so I'm not 100% familiar with these systems, especially the Supra's sophisticated sequential setup. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.