there is a light that sits at the bottom of a hill.. not very steep incline.
the right hand lane ends just after the crest.
light-side by side. overtake to win. Cant recall all the times i done it. but heres the ones i know for sure were racing me
some newer style lexus..lost! started off, sorta got a late start. then his engine screamed at me and i think it blew a snot rocket on my window.
lol @ saturn SUV..Won. light changed were side by side, psi went to 8 and all of a sudden he was in my mirror! engine still howling.
thats the two that I know about. Don't race much.
update. those new Subaru with the boxer engine.. blew my ass away.
Last edited by Green7mgte; 01-25-2010 at 05:09 AM.