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Old 01-26-2010, 03:59 AM   #53
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: texas
Posts: 105
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Originally Posted by cre View Post
If they haven't backed out and the gasket hasn't disintegrated then you may have a problem. When the studs pull free (which, sadly, isn't too uncommon) it's the threads in the head which go... not the studs. It'd be great if it were simply a matter of replacing the studs as with the head you have to drill and install helicoils.
luckely only one came out with the threads i think. i looked ast them and i ran another stud through it to see if the threads were still going to work and it tightened right in maybe i wont have to drill. whats your opinion on this matter. only one didn't come out with the nut and its the one that looks like it striped out a bit on the inside all the others are good and intact

WOOOT i should get most of my parts tomorrow from toyota

oh and the gasket was pretty decenigrated/melted on the side that was really loose
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