Originally Posted by cre
I wouldn't count on the stud where the threads pulled out holding... You're best off helicoiling it while you've got things apart... helicoiling with the head already install sucks though. Which stud? Rear, center or front area? You can try just installing it and holing for the best, but don't be surprised if it fails.
Disintegrated gaskets cause a fair number of people to believe that the threads have given up when it's just that there's no longer any pressure against the nut when they remove them... that's the only reason I asked.
Its the 2nd top bolt from the back. Ill take pictures tonight. The bolts backed out and the nuts were seased to the studs. I guess I should have left that stud alone and replaced the other 6.
When I'm re torquing the head bolts is there a coolant drane plug I need to pull out on the block to drane the water jackets? And also I only had trouble getting to one stud but if I have to turn the cams how do I do it