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Old 01-26-2010, 06:24 PM   #57
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: texas
Posts: 105
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Originally Posted by cre View Post
I find that the ones in the back are hell to helicoil with the head in... I've done it and I hate it. Some people don't have as much trouble. A 90? drill adapter may make the job easier, otherwise, pull the charcoal canister out and I hope you don't have ABS. Just take it nice and slow. Make sure all of the sizes are right too and use a stop on the drill bit.

Nah, draining won't accomplish anything really. If there's coolant between the HG and the mating surfaces it's not going to drain out.

Pull the EFI fuse (which you should have already done, remove the fan, put a breaker bar with socket on the bolt for the harmonic balancer (the main pulley) and turn.... I'm assuming you haven't pulled the timing belt.
No I havnt pilled the fuse or the timing belt out I wasn't planning on taking it out. I may just leave it as is if its going to take that much more time and money. I'm planing on having it rebuilt within a year or 2 any way it should last. I'm staying stock boost untill I have money for a replacement 7mgte
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