Originally Posted by cre
Champion Toyota's online shop has pictures, it doesn't give you part numbers though. Just ordered several things from them yesterday. www.toyotaworld.com, then click on the "buy parts online" link.
Otherwise you can use the catalog here to find part numbers... Takes some getting used to.
Cool ill have to check it out and see if I can find the coolant lines and that ic pipe for the turbo I got a quote for it from toyota $146 for the damn thing. Ill see what I can find iv been having a little trpuble with saome of the part numbers on the parts list thing you sent me a link to. Toyota said they cross reff to other things ill get it figured out
Edit: I tried the site with the parts numbers from that catalog and they did not show up with anything on the champion toyota site. It worked on toyotapart.com but I couldn't get pics of anything I wanted. There were 2 different water lines that came up when I searched the part number for the one I need. One had almost the same msrp as toyotas price quote it was off by like 10 cents so I'm assuming that one is it