as for bhg i did labor my self in few hrs R&R each way..but one thought on valve job
most machinists around here at least, do not have the tools to get the valves out of the head. there tool wont fit into the valve hole to do valve seals or valve job..and it helps to have a bucket of spare different sized tappets . the round disks used to adjust valve clearences when re-assembling the head. i made many calls to everyone before i finally found a toyota dealer who had a master machanic that was supra junkie willing to help me for cash on his own time at his own pace. he cleaned the carbon out of the valve chambers and buffed the valves and lapped them and replaced my seals and adjusted them all for only 60$ and i know he spent more than 2-3 hrs so i scored bigtime..
and one on surfacing.. do not let your local parts pusher try and surface your head on the table belt sander in back.... this is not a good thing. these need to actually be machined down by a machinist in a milling machine. hahhaha
good luck im guessing 10-12 hrs labor book shop rates plus parts probbly 1000-1500$$ bill at any shop.. plan on a timing belt and id do the water pump also while its apart.. get er done...
