Code 43 has nothing to do with your idle issues...
Code 43 can indicate an issue when the engine is cranking (which may explain your difficulties when starting the car) or it could appear simply because the car was push started (aka: pop started or dump started). It's not uncommon to see this code just because the car's been started by dumping the clutch while rolling.
Clean your ISCV. You haven't tried to clean the AFM have you? They break very easily. Air filter clean?
BTW - do NOT just make a new thread to post more info... it makes it hard for others to follow and makes it hard for others to find answers to past problems when searching the board. I'm going to merge this with your other thread.
If something breaks or you need to contact a member of the administration please post HERE. Unless it's a private or administration matter please post it on the forum. It benefits no one else if car related questions aren't posted for future users and takes away from the time I'm able to spend helping on the rest of the forum.
If you're so inclined I'm always more than happy to accept tips via PayPal.
Tip Jar ---> 
Last edited by cre; 02-10-2010 at 04:09 AM.