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Old 02-22-2010, 04:59 PM   #7
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 167
Krem is on a distinguished road

I had something similar... when I could get the car to start, she'd idle at 400~500 rpm before jolting soo hard I shut her off, or she died out fairly quickly on her own.. didn't matter how much gas I gave either, the rpm's stayed pretty constant. Mine is an auto, so I doubt I'd even have gotten her to turn over if I were driving clutch. At any rate it was the distributor shaft itself... mechanics didn't find it till they took the cam covers and timing case off to do the timing.. I thought it was fuel pump issue, but pressure was good, they thought it could have been exhaust system clog as well... so since you seem to be looking down that road, I'd suggest getting in there and doing the full timing job and ensure all the shafts and gears are all on the up and up.
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