Spectre is crap, IMO... They're the only company I know of who'd chrome PVC piping (you know, it's used for your sink's drain) and tell you to go ahead and stuff it in a very hot engine bay for intake piping. I can't imagine anyone would bother wasting the money on buying one to review it.
I've never seen an aftermarket intake for the 7M-GE. I've seen a couple sites advertise one, but it's just a piece of curved pipe, two couplers and generic filter... doesn't even include the adapter you'd need to mount it to the 7M's AFM.
There is VERY LITTLE in the performance parts world that works well for both N/A and forced induction setups. Companies that insist their products are are either selling one of the few specialized products for which it is true (such as fuel pumps, fuel controllers and air filters) or they're just trying to make a sale. Intake, exhaust, cams, valves are all things which are chosen for a specific build; you don't just throw them on if you're really looking to get as much as possible out of your car. Now, if you're swapping out the GE and definitely go with an exhaust intended for a turbo setup (ie big) but otherwise you'd want to plan accordingly and keep the pipe size down.
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