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Old 02-28-2010, 04:41 AM   #11
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: cocoa
Posts: 64
livelaughslide is on a distinguished road

I'd say so. seeing as heads are coming off our 7m's more then you heard your bov in your life time. Definitly have the next two days off and here in florida the weather should be great (knock on wood. damn rain) and a "real" stright edge will be purched long with a lapping tool due to i just picked up another mklll shell with an r154 (wifes piiiiissssed). before i even jack the hood struts from it first things first and i will be talking to you tomarrow about how F@%KED i am because my block is a banana knowing my luck.

and when i take my turbo cams out my old head ill besure to use your wonderful link and make sure there even turbo cams for one thing. lol.

Thanks again sir and good luck with the never ending battle between your girl and her dad lol.
88, targa top, 5 speed turbo, tein coilovers, 4 inch hks exhaust, ebay front mount, hks turbo timer.
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