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Old 03-04-2010, 04:02 AM   #8
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Austin, Tx
Posts: 68
Cameroonski is on a distinguished road

Ok, so I fixed the timing, and guess what, it was running great! But... it was short lived. I went to start it up today after lunch and the engine cranked and cranked but didn't go. So...

I checked spark, it was good. Checked connections and hoses, all good. Even tried to jump it. The engine just wouldnt run by itself. So i thought fuel pressure...

I shorted out the two terminals for the fuel pump, and the pump relay started buzzing and the wire got really hot. I checked the continuity in the relay and the resistor, and it said good. I did NOT check it in the relay with power hooked up to it. And when i turned the ignition to ON, the relay did not click. So does this mean bad relay? I also tried feelig the fuel line, and it didnt feel like there was pressure... So please, should i buy a new $50 relay or look for something else? Please

Side note: i did replace the fuel filter two days ago, but i looked at it and it seems fine. And yes, i do have fuel in my tank
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