ROFL! Man, I was just screwing with you... yeah... there is an odd pattern of me ending threads by replying to them. I hope it's because I've satisfactorily answered the questions, but sometimes I wonder if it's just because everyone else is fed up.
Anyway. You'll have to forgive me, I'm not completely up on what features the Gen II does have and doesn't have that the Pro does. With WOT tracking you tell the Gen II when it's supposed to start tracking for a given AFR by TPS voltage. This doesn't mean you can have the Gen II take over before the ECU is in open loop itself (~2.70v). If the Gen II has it you can use the ETPS feature to send the ECU a WOT signal so the ECU goes into open loop prematurely. You can set values for TPS voltage or RPM. Gain controls how quickly it raises the real TPS signal to the specified WOT voltage.
There's not really anything wrong with the setup you're thinking of as long as you tune it. As the intake gets into the positive pressure range I believe the airflow offset (reported versus actual) will decrease. I never ran a MAF on a turboed setup, on the N/A the offset was bad across the entire range, but predictably so, so I got away with trimming most of it out with one adjustment to the mainscale.
Isn't the stock piping 2"?
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