Okay, so I figured it was time for a full tune-upish type thingy.
I replaced the fuel filter, changed the oil, and yada yada... thsoe are the 2 main things...
Then I decided to check to see if the wastegate actuator I installed was holding up, and still in place... IT WASN't. So I fashioned a clip out of a bobby pin, seemed strong enough to hold it on the nob.. and did the actuator again.
When I cranked it up I heard a miss.. but I didn't bother with it.. because I kinda ran the battery down with the radio while I was working on it. So I had to leave it running for a little bit. I got to a safe spot, turned it off, and back on to see if would stop but nope.
The problem is when I accelerate, the boost goes crazy again, but it doesn't reach 8 pounds(Max on my gauge)
When it boosts that high, it gets really shakey, and I can sense a fuel cut.
The fuel filter isn't leaking, and I can't find any vacuum hoses out of place, I did the diagnosis, but it showed a code 11..... Which is not even on the TSRM.... HALP!