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Old 04-02-2010, 02:56 AM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: valdosta, ga
Posts: 2
anarchy187 is on a distinguished road
Default Newbie with a question!

So I am a proud new owner of a 1988 Turbo supra hardtop all black, It has 150,000 miles on the chasis and 20,000 on engine(Had a full rebuild with performance parts) It has eagle rods, forged pistons, arp studs, hksmetal headgasket, has stock ct26 at 7psi, injectors, and ECU.
The car is over heating and I was wondering if it made 20,000 miles is it possible that if it has a metal head gasket and it already made 20,000 miles could a possible retorque solve the problem? Or possibly a temporary fix? I have alot of experience with cars and engine building and know that this is a long shot, but I have never had a MHG fail on me(I always do the proper prep though and retorque)
I just wondered if this could possibly stop the leaking, and if anyone else has done this before with good results.

Thank you everyone and look foward to let you know the results of what happens.
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