Originally Posted by MA70-3.0GT
IIRC one of those vsv's is to do with fuel pressure & should really be connected
There are three under the intake manifold on the N/A: EGR, ACIS and Fuel Pressure Control.
Both the ACIS and FP Control will affect the engine's operation at higher RPM operation although a defective ACIS system usually leads to crap performance up until right at 4KRPM... it's still worth investigating.
Originally Posted by MA70-3.0GT
Oh the joys of using a real computer, I can actually look at longer threads & replying doesn't cause cramp in my thumb!!!
I hear ya. I've been so busy with work that all I really ever have time to check in with is my cell which I've recently replaces with a newer one with no physical keyboard... it's nice though, I can still access the full site and it's MUCH faster.