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Old 08-31-2005, 10:41 PM   #23
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 81
the_fallen is on a distinguished road

and people wonder why the first thread was locked if this is going to continue to be a mud slinging excersise, this thread will be locked. supra owners, he is obviously trying to get a bite out of you guys, and it's working, supras were not built as dragcars, they do it, and are efficient at it, but there are limits to it where technology does come to a point and you do need sheer size to continue. 3litres is not a hell of a lot compared to the big blocks that they run in dedicated drag cars. let him have the drags, and just blow his doors off on the street. acousticrawk, you have made some valid points in the posts you have made, nothing beats experience, how ever, sub 9's is starting to get into non streetable territory, and most of the cars on this forum are still street and daily driven.

end of the day, slips, or it didn't happen. that goes for everyone. now kids, play nice, or i'll take away your toys h34r:
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