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Old 09-02-2005, 12:21 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 1
THIR13EN is on a distinguished road

Ok I was driving my 94 TT supra the other day when the engine cut. I was able to start it back up and drove it almost 50-60 feet when if cut out again.

Toyota says that it is something to do with the ECU and my boost controller. I have an apex electronic boost controller. Toyota pulled the code and it says its something to do with my waste gate, but everything is running good there. The reason according to Toyota that my cars engine just cut out was because it was reading 28 lbs of boost. For reasons the fuel injection will cut causing the engine to shut down. I was not running 28lbs of boost more like 10-12 lbs. I was not even running my boost controller at the time. Now Toyota thinks I should pull out my boost controller, because there is an intermittent problem with it...

I was wondering if anyone has dealt with something like this before.....? I would really appreciate any help.
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