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Old 09-02-2005, 05:54 AM   #4
12psi boost
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 348
Poodles is on a distinguished road

Wilwood makes a bolt on brake kit...but it's expensive. There is a kit sold in japan to upgrade to larger brakes from other parts. The kit uses MKIV rotors, Lexus front calipers, and Skyline rears. Still pretty expensive. Don't use cross drilled rotors, they crack at the holes, and can have catastrophic failure, plus, the design is dated, modern brake compounds don't produce the gases that the cross drilling was meant to vent. Instead, get slotted rotors that remove the glazing on the pads from extreme use, and get high quality brake pads. Also, doing a full brake job wouldn't be a bad idea either...
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