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Old 04-29-2010, 09:04 PM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Pt.Pleasant, NJ
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trevor217 is on a distinguished road
Default Where to add RTV sealant to valve covers on 7M engine

I remember reading somewhere on these forums that the valve covers need a little RTV sealant when changing the gaskets. I've searched the site for a while and still don't have a clear picture as to where the RTV should go. If I recall correctly, it's near the #1 cylinder. Does it go on both covers? Which area does it go on?

Here's a pic from my photobucket account, if possible could someone copy it and circle the area to put the RTV, then post it here?

Hope the pic isn't too big!

MKIII 7M-GTE stock
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