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Old 05-03-2010, 11:05 AM   #3
Old Man Supra
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 13
Old Man Supra is on a distinguished road
Talking Supra Won't Start

Hello, Well before all this happened it was a turn key ride...........popped right off always. Now it spins over without any effort but hard to tell if its not getting gas or spark. I'm guessing about some things,when the battery got hooked up wrong it could have cooked the coil/igniter...or it could have effected the fuel pump as far as it getting current to turn on and pump...........or anything in the fuse panel under the hood that could have burned out and could be effecting it?,there are relays in that panel and it would be hard to tell if they were good or not still.........not like a fuse where you can see if they are blown. Any help will be appreciated. If I can get this car started I'll be smiling again.
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