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Old 05-03-2010, 08:54 PM   #6
Old Man Supra
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 13
Old Man Supra is on a distinguished road
Talking Supra Will Not Start Now!!!!!!!!!

Hi Guys, I appreciate those pointers regarding the car. I replaced and looked over all the fuses in the box in the engine bay. The one that was bad was the 60 amp, it was actually brown on the back.........what a son of a gun to get out and.............get back in! But as soon as that one was replaced I had everything fuctioning as it was before.............well OK thats not quite truly obviously but...............that did bring alot of the systems back again. Is the fuel pump fuse in the box in the kick panel? I'm going to pull all the fuses out here in the next couple of days and check them all. The fuse box in the engine bay......... the relays there, do they have any relationship to the fuel or spark issues I'm having? I'll do a very through check on the all fuses first in the next couple of days, I'm not going to run out and buy a igniter when a fuse will do it. I'm confident I can get it sorted out................lesson learned on the battery.............get the terminals connected correctly. I'm still smiling.............its a great car. Gary
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