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Old 05-10-2010, 04:39 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by mrgdm007 View Post
Ive been looking for 93 octane places around here and havent found any yet, but Il keep searching, what would be a good psi for 91 other wise il just go out to the race way ever two weeks and bring a 5 gallon can with me lol

And I was looking at more wheels and took your advice, Il probably just do 18's what would be a good wheel width and tire size and width
I'd guess 14psi max with 91 octane.

With 18s I'd suggest you get rims 2" wider than stock, on both the front and the rear. That would give you 10" wide rims up front, and 11.5" wide rims in the rear. Before doing this however, be sure you can get either 305 or 315 width rubber in an 18" diameter for the rear...preferrably 35 profile. 245s or 255s up front would work fine.
Phil '94 Supra Turbo, 6spd, 'APU'+
Displacement is no replacement for boost.
Life begins at 30psi.

NB: Please consider posting any help requests in a new thread instead of asking me for help privately. About 99.9+% of the time, private help requests end up covering great information that could be very valuable to other forum members. If you have a good reason for needing the help request to be private, I'll consider it. If not, then why not give everyone else the opportunity to pitch in too, and/or learn from the information? Remember, there's no such thing as a dumb question. We're all here to help within this family of Supra owners.
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