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Old 05-12-2010, 12:12 PM   #11
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Lavonia
Posts: 49
professorbob is on a distinguished road
Default Engine/Trans ....Removal Day One

Thanks guys for the advice. And Thanks for great friends. I needed to get the car from my garage to James Conner's house for the removal. Mike Kesler and Kesler's Body Shop loaned me his roll back to move the car. Boy 'I gotta get me one of deeees'...
James has a quanzit hut garage with four arm lift. His brother had it built the garage and it had more tools than six guys could use. It was an easy delivery and we had the car up on the lift in not time.
I had an hour or so, so I began removing the splash pans and draining fluids.
The trans fluid was quite dark and had a burned smell. The radiator fluid looked very green and new. The Oil was very black.

The car has been sitting for 3 years since it last ran, so I plan on draining the gas from the fuel tank as well.

While up on the rack, I will probably change the chunk dope too.

I was pleasantly surprised how clean and new everything looks. There were only two things that concern me.

When I removed the lower inner-cooler hose there was some thick oil that ran out. about two table spoons full. Not sure where that came from.
Any suggestions?

The exhaust system is in excellent shape and I need to remove it to get to the Trans bolts and brackets. I sprayed some PB Blaster up on the three header nuts but could not get them to budge using a pull bar with a pipe.

Question: are these studs in the waste gate or are they bolts and nuts. What are the chances of ringing them off, and if I do what is the repair process?
I resprayed with Pb Blaster to soak over night, and hopefully I can get them to release on day two.

Question: Do I need to take the transmission cooler line loose at front and rear, or can I do an adequate job of cleaning the cooler from the rear? What is the best technique for making sure that all the debris is remove from both the external transmission cooler and the one in the radiator.

Well still doing the research. Next will be lowering the car to get at all the parts on top of the engine.
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