How do you test your fuel pump?
Is there an easy way to test the fuel pump? My Red Supra has died. I hear no humming from the tank at all when the ignition is turned on even though I have my ear pressed to the tank. I found the thread on replacing it but I am wondering where is the best place to open up the system to see if it is pumping anything. My plugs are dry after a lot of cranking car suddenly died after sitting 6 years and on it's first test drive after a starter replacement.
Is it best to disconnect the fuel line before the filter and see if it can pump through on cranking? Can you open up the fuel regulator and see if it pumps and if so where is the fuel regulator on the car and what does it look like? I hear that is hard to get to. Please chime in and let me know.
Thanks so much, Scott
1987 N/A 7MGE Left Hand Drive MK3 Red 5 Speed and Black Auto Supras
My Next project is the Batmobile!
Last edited by batmmannn; 05-16-2010 at 12:40 AM.